Chasa Chau

Like locals say ‘chau’ (ciao…) when passing by - this property welcomes you to a beautiful world.
Located at the very west entrance of the village Sent, near a centuries old water spring we find the chasaCHAU.

During the scaring village fire in 1921 in which many houses and stables burned, the East side of this majestic building was also partly destroyed. However, most of its structure could be saved and rebuilt including the impressive 80 cm thick stonewalls, some with old funnel-shaped windows plus shutters and traditional grey “sgraffito” on the edges, covering 5 levels of living.

Some decades later the huge volume and central position of the building - just behind one of the famous water springs - attracted early tourists and first hospitality was born.
After the region became a bit more unlocked, another category of more pretentious people came along. Now authenticity had to go with certain luxury and it took the previous owners too much time to realize this which unfortunately left the beautiful Chasa alone for many years.

Now completely restyled;